17 de marzo de 2009

Entrevista en Dream Up Magazine.

Os dejamos una nueva entrevista relativamente reciente que fue publicada en "Dream Up". En esta ocasión comentan como les está yendo el trabajo en el estudio y las "novedades" que tendrá el nuevo album pero sin concretar nada..

“Our New Album Will Surprise You!” (Dream Up magazine)


Being rather exclusive for awhile, the 4 prodigies from Magdeburg are holed up in a studio to finish their third album. This precious jewel is expected to come out next spring. Between two takes, Bill offers his insights on the situation.

You have not been around, lately.
Yes, we were in studio to record our third album. It was a very
intense and creative period but at the same time, it offered a much needed break for the band. We were able to come together, far away from our usual hectic life. In the studio, each one of us was alone with his thoughts and doubts. The moment that we’re away from the spotlight is essential for a band. We’ve returned to the things that really matter.

In what kind of state of mind did you approach the new recording?
There are a lot of new influences that until now, have not been heard in the sound of Tokio Hotel. Even so, we’ve kept the same crew. Our new album will probably surprise a lot of people and I hope the fans will love it.

How did you work?
The lyrics and music is the result of our lives since the success of the band. They handle about our mood, new thoughts and reflections, and also new wishes and hopes. I’ve started writing some new lyrics in the summer of 2007. Many lyrics were finished while we were on the road, doing tours and just traveling around. There’s one lyric that goes specifically about my home sickness during our tour in the States and goes about all the things I’ve missed. That’s why the album will be in German although there will be an English version also.

How does a song gets created precisely?
In the beginning, it’s just loose thoughts and scattered ideas.
Then, the music gets more defined, sometimes even without really realizing it. The moment that the chorus is set, the song really starts to take shape. At that moment, it has to get recorded. A song is too fragile to let it slip away.

Do you have many discussions (within the band) before you start recording?
Yes, the moment we’re ready to start recording, things become difficult. We have a song but there are many different ways to interpret the song. And we have to find the best interpretation. We, then start to experiment with each song by changing the guitar-sounds or modifying my voice. And yes, that can easily lead to huge discussions. And what worries me a bit is the fact that I’m a huge perfectionist, bordering on the obsessive. Luckily, my other three friends don’t have the same character (laughs).

Do you feel pressured by your fans?
We try to escape the pressure by making sure we can travel
peacefully. But the greatest pressure comes from ourselves. Of course, the reaction of the fans is very important also because we do not want to disappoint them. But we don’t want to let ourselves down either. We do listen to other advice but the final decision is always taken by us. It’s something between the four of us.

Recently, the celebrity blogger Perez Hilton wrote that your concerts were playback shows. What’s your comment on that?

It’s not the first time that I hear such bull about Tokio Hotel, or some other bands. We’re in the heat of things and our success elicits jealousy. And those kind of mediaflashs are part of the game. It’s a deceitful attack since the famous Perez Hilton has no proof to substantiate his accusations. Like our manager David Jost said, “The best way to form an opinion is to come to our shows and watch us play.” And we really, really rock!

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